Social Media deliverables now require you to upload the link to the post on the platform - even for IG Stories - in order to get paid
MOGL is an end-to-end influencer platform and offers native reporting to brands on social media campaigns. In the past this has been done by tracking #hashtags on social posts but now that MOGL is taking the next step and offering native reporting, the platform will now enforce Athletes uploading the link to the social media post. Yep, even for Instagram Stories.
You can easily tell if a link is required since there will be a social media icon next to the deliverable name. Additionally when you apply to a deal with a required social media account, you will now be prompted to successfully link it in order to apply - even if you have another social media account linked already.
In the below example, the Instagram Reel deliverable requires a social media link. You should also notice that there is default messaging about how long the content must remain up. Failure to keep the content up for the agreed upon time may result in platform penalties, which include, but are not limited to, a 2-star review.
For these deliverable types, you will be restricted to only uploading a link as well as ensuring that the link is associated with the correct platform. In the example below, the Athlete has tried to upload a tiktok link for the Instagram deliverable, and the platform is preventing the Athlete from proceeding. This is by design and part of the requirement.
These requirements are also in place for Instagram Stories, which given their lifetime of 24-hours can be problematic. If you have an Instagram Story deliverable make sure to upload the link to the Story while it is still live.
To find the link to the Story, use the Instagram app, open the Story and then tap "Send" then "Copy Link".
If you run into any issues with this process, please contact immediately