How does the Deliverable Details Report Work?

The Deliverable Details Report is a powerful tool to help you understand how effective your Social Media campaigns on MOGL have been

The Deliverables Detail Report is a line-item report for Brands to be able to review the performance of the social media posts on MOGL. This report is built on top of MOGL's industry-leading 1st party data integrations that pull down impression and engagement data directly from Instagram, TikTok, and X/Twitter to help answer Influencer Marketer’s main question of “how effective was my campaign?”


The report has a default timing of `All time` but it can be narrowed down to specific date ranges


And while the default report has topline powerful information, you are able to customize this report for more granular understanding of how each deliverable performed

Powerful Content Storage

Since MOGL's reporting infrastructure is directly connected to the Social Media platforms, the system downloads and stores the content from the deliverable so you always have it available - even for Instagram Stories. Simply click on the "Preview" and a modal displaying the downloaded content will be shown like this


Here are answers to frequently asked questions on the report:

Q: An athlete submitted their proof-of-work for a deliverable, but I only see this in the report:

A: Reporting is only available for fully-approved deliverables. Navigate to the My Deals > Deal Management and Approve the deliverable to reveal it.


Q: I received a notification that there was an issue pulling data for a deliverable. What do I do?

A: This notification is to alert you to the issue, but it is on the Athlete to reconcile. The MOGL platform has automatically notified the Athlete with what next steps to take. If they don't reconcile the issue in a timely manner, they will be given a 2-star review.


Q: I tried to export a report but never received it

A: Wait 10 minutes then check you spam folder to see if it's there. If not please contact and we will help re-send the report to you.