How to get more Deals sent to you

MOGL AI automatically sends deals to Athletes based on 16+ different parameters. Read more to understand how it works.

In February '25 we introduced MOGL AI which helps Brands and Athletes more easily get connected for deals on the platform. MOGL AI works by evaluating the parameters of the deal and comparing them to the qualities of Athletes. While certain things are set in stone, there are a handful of things that Athletes can do to get more deals that are a fit for them.

1. Follow Brands on MOGL

MOGL AI takes into account if an Athlete is following a Brand to determine if there is good fit on 

the deal, as this indicates the Athlete is interested in what the Brand is up to. Following a Brand is easy, 

simply navigate to the Brand's profile on MOGL, and tap the "Follow" button





2. Like/Favorite Industries on MOGL

Don't know what specific Brands you want to do Deals with? But you do know you'd love a Car sponsorship opportunity? Then go to Account > Profile > Edit Profile > Like/Favorite and search through the industries that Brands on MOGL belong to. Now when a new Brand comes on MOGL, you are more likely able to get matched to them based on the MOGL AI algorithm. 





3. Ask for 5-Star ratings

Brands have the ability to rate an Athlete that has a deal with them on a 1-5 star scale. Once an Athlete finishes their work, a best practice is to politely ask the Brand for a 5-star review. Be careful though, as coming across too pushy will turn off the Brand and could lead to a less than stellar review. 




4. Complete all of your Deliverables

When an Athlete doesn't complete the full terms of the deal on time, the remaining deliverables get voided.  While things of course do happen, this is considered the worst offense on MOGL so Athletes should do everything in their power to avoid this state for a deal. Brands have the ability to easily extend deliverable due dates, so as long as Athletes are in touch with them on scheduling challenges, most Brands understand and are happy to update deliverable schedules as needed.